Monday, March 29, 2010

Wrestlemaina 26

Yesterday was WrestleMaina 26 and it was historical, so many matches and so many great wins it was unbelievable i was so BLISSFUL. Although it fun to watch and being that was a life time experience it was good surprising. But next year WrestleMaina will be in Georgia and my uncle lives in Georgia so I'm going to ask him if he can get me a ticket so i can go.the most fun part of watching it is you get to brag because everybody said that Shawn Michael's was going to win but he didn't and i know everybody that said that is probably Miserable by now. well all I'm trying to say it was AWESOME!!!!!!


  1. Natasha,

    Another amazing post. I hope you get to visit your uncle in Georgia for this next year.

    My friend Kris Diaz is a playwright (he writes plays) and guess what? His play about WRESTLING is coming to New York. It debuted in Chicago, got rave reviews, and he's bringing it to an off-Broadway stage this spring. Here's someone's BLOG post about it:

    1) cool how this guy's blog looks different, right?

    2) isn't it great my friend could become famous writing about wrestling, which he's loved since he was a kid?

    Take care,
    Miss Fung

  2. Hey Natasha!

    I'm glad you're getting rest on this wonderful spring break of ours. By the way, you are catching up big time in the post count.

    Patricia, who?

    What's more, the quality of your posts is excellent.

    Peep this video from back in the day. A reporter asked this wrestler if wrestling was fake. Watch Out!

    If you like it and want to put it on your blog, here's how:

    Under the viewer (the video box), there should be a small box that says "embed".

    Click on it and a weird code should show up in a new box below. Copy it.

    Now go to your blog and write what you want. Give yourself as much space as you want between your text and video, and paste the code you got into the body of your post. That should do it! Don't worry...I won't be offended if you don't post this video.

    Mr. G
