Monday, March 15, 2010


seriously i think fights are stupid. why do people fight? is it because they don't like each other or is it because somebody said something about that person. when i hear there's a fight i jump to it quickly because i wanna know what happens but if it's about something stupid, i don't wanna hear about it at all. well first of all how do people get into fights. number 1: they hear something about them that they don't like. number 2: they start arguing in each others face. and finally number 3: it starts to get physical, and that's the part i really hate about fighting because people get hurt. when i witness fights sometimes it seems stupid to me, so i just walk away and if you walk away from a fight people start calling you sissy and a punk. i hate that like, if i don't wanna fight, i wanna fight and that's me. so whatever i do, i try hard not to get into a fight.

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